flapper girl ring
I love big chunky rings and this was fun to make.
Niecy C. favorited Flapper Girl Ring 27 Feb 04:07
Kinhime Dragon added Flapper Girl Ring to alter 28 Aug 22:29
HylianWriter534 favorited Flapper Girl Ring 19 Dec 21:09
Christine P. added Flapper Girl Ring to Christmas Gift Ideas/Crafts 27 Sep 23:48
Christine P. favorited Flapper Girl Ring 27 Sep 23:48
constantreader added Flapper Girl Ring to have to do 05 Jul 18:31
Irene Wildfox added Flapper Girl Ring to Jewelry and Accessories 05 Jun 18:41
Amanda T. added Flapper Girl Ring to list 20 Apr 18:57
kassie g. added Flapper Girl Ring to rings 29 Mar 20:59
kassie g. added Flapper Girl Ring to rings 29 Mar 20:58
Step 1
Get all your supplies together. Using the flat glass stone as a template trace the chosen image for your ring. Once cut out glue it to the back of your stone using mod poge matte. Put it to the side.
Step 2
Get your two pieces of 12 in. wire, put them side by side and treat them as one. Using a ring mandrel or fat marker close to your ring size, wrap the two wires around and then twist them around eachother like you would a bread tie.
Step 3
Now your stone with the image would have dried. Place the stone right over the twisted part of the wire holding it down with one hand and with the other, begin wrapping the wires aroung the stone until its secure. Try not to cover the image with the wires too much. Snip the ends and curl them in. Hope my directions were clear. Have fun.
can u make me one just like that one?! willing to pay!
What do you seal the ring with?
Wouldnt the mod podge break down and get gluey if water hits it?
Thanks in advance.............