Finger Knitting!
When I'm sick, I get bored. And this past time I was sick, I was in need of a present that Saturday. With one day full of boredom and a bag full of yarn, I've made a bundle of birthday accessories.
This is one of the two ways to finger knit, this way only requires one finger, the less complicated way for many. This technique can be used to make a flower.
Enjoy. (:
Miss_Fit favorited Finger Knitting With One Finger 27 Dec 22:35
Jessie D. added Finger Knitting With One Finger to To Do Yarn Crafts 19 Nov 05:09
Minerva H. added Finger Knitting With One Finger to Knitting! 07 Dec 00:34
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caitlin and
1 project
this is really good but i wish the photos were a bit better so i could really see what was happening but great anyway!

Stratford, Ontario, CA
4 projects
aww i love finger knitting! when i was starting, it always started looking like a big rat ball on the back of my hand, so i would undone it all becuase i thought i was doing it wrong, then i found out that thats the was it is to look lol

Yui !
3 projects
Don't worry. The first time is a bit confusing, but it gets easier. (:

Essex, England, GB
52 projects
I'm goinog to give it a go. Have a feeling I might get tangled!