An orient-inspired necklace
This necklace is made from a recycled Scrabble tile, twisted cotton thread, and a clasp with a crystal dangle and chinese-symbol tag.
- catarina n. favorited Fiery Geisha Necklace 13 Sep 15:47
- QuietLion entered her project Fiery Geisha Necklace to Fashion Origami 06 Apr 20:37
You Will Need
Step 1
Find a picture of a geisha online- print it out, and cut it out to the size of a Scrabble tile. Laminate it with tape, and cut the tape to size of the picture. Glue it to a scrabble tile, letting it dry overnight.
Step 2
Paint the wood edges of the pendant with orange nail polish. Glue a bail to the back, or make a bail out of wire and glue it to the back of the pendant. Let it dry again.
Step 3
Take cotton cord and either braid or twist it together. Add the pendant to the middle. Add ribbon clamps to the end of the cord and glue in place. Add a clasp (string a few crystals on a headpin, loop, and add to clasp, and laminate a small tag of chinese writing with tape, poke a hole, and add a jumpring). You're done!
Gorgeous, funky, great idea!