A clever idea to keep wearing your Festival Wrist Bands
since I had to remove my festival wristbands due to my work, I already created a solution with buttons and hooks. But, I tended to lose them a lot (and it wasnt to comfortable) so I never wore them. Then I got a Juichbandje (wristband, for the EK, freebee at a local supermarket) and then I came up with this solution!
Jade S. favorited Festival Wristbands Redone 28 Sep 19:06
Jade V. favorited Festival Wristbands Redone 23 Sep 05:52
Jaybird favorited Festival Wristbands Redone 29 Jul 04:42
nuttyasafruitcake favorited Festival Wristbands Redone 20 Jul 16:32
You Will Need
Nicklesswarior posted this project as a creation without steps
Here are some similar tutorials to help you make this one!