huh you use Styrofoam... i usually use felting foam bc ive been told that styrofoam doesnt work and really cool needle btw haha i only have plain felting needles
This is great, I've always wanted to try felting. I even have all the stuff but now I'm inspired to actually do it now that I can see it being done. Great job on the How-to!
hm i really dont know /:T
im sure you can with A LOT of wool and patience
but it would probably be alot easier to just buy a wool scarf and felt patterns or whatever into it
thanks for the how-to, I've never known before how it works. How do you get the small details of different colour on your pieces? Can you get them to interlock with eachother or does one glue them together?
I always wondered how to do this
You can make so much cute stuff!
I am off to go try this now.
but i hope this helps
im sure you can with A LOT of wool and patience
but it would probably be alot easier to just buy a wool scarf and felt patterns or whatever into it
to get color and details in it you can just felt it on
or you can can twist colors together to get like a twisted mixed color look