Little cases for your pins and needles
I make amigurumi dolls, and I need little books like these to carry my pins and needles wherever I go. I love felt work, and I also love anime, so my latest needle book is the totoro.
I sell a 20+ page pattern for these little guys now here: www.youcanmakethis.com or you can request the listing at my etsy shop here: www.djonesgirlz.etsy.com
drevanhoussen added Felt Needle Cases & Matching Cell Phone Charm to Pincusions 17 Feb 06:00
drevanhoussen favorited Felt Needle Cases & Matching Cell Phone Charm 17 Feb 06:00
Kate S. favorited Felt Needle Cases & Matching Cell Phone Charm 24 Nov 17:01
pokabelly favorited Felt Needle Cases & Matching Cell Phone Charm 25 Nov 05:59
Barjaa B. added Felt Needle Cases & Matching Cell Phone Charm to 9.16.14 06 Sep 19:28
grace r. favorited Felt Needle Cases & Matching Cell Phone Charm 27 Aug 19:39
HylianWriter534 favorited Felt Needle Cases & Matching Cell Phone Charm 03 Aug 06:12
mmotse03 favorited Felt Needle Cases & Matching Cell Phone Charm 14 Apr 10:35
flowers.of.evil added Felt Needle Cases & Matching Cell Phone Charm to Anime night ideas 09 Apr 22:55
flowers.of.evil favorited Felt Needle Cases & Matching Cell Phone Charm 09 Apr 22:55
You Will Need
Step 1
For smaller book, cut a piece of felt that is 3 inches by 8 inches.
For bigger book, 3 inches by 10 inches -
Step 2
cut two pieces of cross-stitch fabric that are slightly smaller that the felt piece. They will be the inside of the book.
Step 3
fold all pieces in half and mark the middle point with a ruler and pencil or fabric pen. Place all pieces together and pin. Sew down the middle line by hand or with a sewing machine. Fold the book in half.
Step 4
Draw an image that you want to put on the outside of the book on some tissue paper. Make it simple--less detail looks better. Cut the image out of felt. Using a tiny bit of fabric glue, position the felt piece on the book. This just keeps it in place while you sew, so don't use a lot. Sew the image on the book with neat, even stitches. Add any extra details you want.
Step 5
Finish up the edges with a blanket stitch.
Step 6
The cell phone charm was just two of my totoro images sewn together with a blanket stitch and lightly stuffed. Add a strap and you're all done!
Make Catbus!!! <3