Simple, inexpensive toys they can tear up... cuz you know they will
dog toys are expensive and have a short life span. Not a good combination. I made these for friends and family's doggy buddies for christmas (thus the red and green felt). :) I was surprised they actually loved them so much, especially since I couldn't find any squeakers to put in them. They took a lil while to make mainly because they're hand sewn and I'm not great at sewing. Basically, I made a bone stencil, got some strong felt pieces, nylon thread, pillow/doll stuffing and used non-toxic puffy paint to personalize em.
GryffindorGrl favorited Felt Doggy Toys 28 Dec 04:03
Elaine Luvanimals favorited Felt Doggy Toys 26 Nov 07:54
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