An angel, a christmas pud, a cheeky gingerbread man and a mini stocking
These Christmas decorations are so easy but look lovely on a tree, I've made several sets for friends, they make a really nice gift
jan m. favorited Felt Christmas Decorations Easy 26 Jul 18:38
KakesKaty favorited Felt Christmas Decorations Easy 05 Nov 10:44
You Will Need
Step 1
Draw all the shapes you need on paper, then cut out. Cut out your felt shapes using the paper as a guide.
Step 2
Do any embroidery of faces, sticking on eyes or buttons. Tip - use a pink colouring pencil to give your angel rosey cheeks. Sew on holly leaves to your pud cream top and use red buttons for the berries.
Step 3
Sew your felt pieces together using blanket stitch and be sure to sew in your loop for hanging. Before you close up, stuff the piece lightly.
Step 4