Wear Fabulous Feathers!
So my BFF told me I should get these awesome feathers from Hobby Lobby and make something...this is what I came up with. Headbands are very in right now, I'm pretty sure I've seen something like these around. They are sooo easy, I think I made 3 in half an hour. I didn't take pics of the steps because it's pretty self explanatory.
Step 1
First, gather your supplies and make sure your trusty hot glue gun is ready.
Step 2
I just glued as I went but if you are gunna do a pattern, you might want to lay your feathers out first. Just glue them on top of each other on the ribbon. Make sure the ribbon doesn't show and try not to burn yourself, it's very easy to.
Step 3
When all your feathers are in a row, cut down the ribbon and attach the stretch magic string to each side. You might have to do one side at a time. Use plenty of glue too! You could also use elastic, I just didn't have any but I like that you can't see the stretch magic when it's in your hair.
Step 4
Sport your fancy headband and have everyone envy you because you are so cool!!