Based on Faux Stained Glass Pendant by Joybells
Getting the black lines thin enough was tricky and I tried many different ways. I still like her better but other people seem happy enough with my results.
Joybells favorited Faux Stained Glass Pendant 17 Sep 22:30
You Will Need
Spyderskiss posted this project as a creation without steps
Here are some similar tutorials to help you make this one!

Norfolk, Virginia, US
23 projects
I am so delighted to see that someone made this pendant and posted a photo!
Creating the grid-work on these is definitely the hardest part! I wish I could find an easier way. I thought about painting them on free-handed, but then it would probably look just like that -- drawn on free-handed. I like the straight even edges you get with the tape. If you come up with another way to create the grid, give me a holler!