Make beautiful faux opals in every hue for your jewelry projects!
Easter grass and nail polish are just two of the ingredients you'll need to make these beautiful opals!
Key West Witch added Faux Opals Diy to Jewelry Rings 30 Jun 12:54
Key West Witch added Faux Opals Diy to Rings 30 Jun 06:52
Key West Witch added Faux Opals Diy to Jewelry 29 Jun 17:09
Terry Snyder favorited Faux Opals Diy 25 Oct 13:08
Brittney S. added Faux Opals Diy to Jewelry 07 Jul 05:56
Kellyton K. favorited Faux Opals Diy 18 Mar 17:32
meildani m. favorited Faux Opals Diy 29 Mar 14:26
Cindy S. favorited Faux Opals Diy 02 Sep 21:36
Sarah Sylvia S. favorited Faux Opals Diy 18 Jul 04:10
kiki w. added Faux Opals Diy to Craft 2 sell 29 Jan 19:28
Step 2
Watch the video tutorial here:
Step 3
1. Knead equal parts of the molding putty together and create a flat ball
2. & 3. Push the cabochons into the molding putty and wait 10 minutes for your mold to set
4. Cut angel hair into small pieces so it looks like chunky glitter
5. Mix a small amount of the Glaze Coat together
6. Mix in the angel hair pieces into the Glaze Coat
7. Pour into the molds and pop bubbles with a small torch or lighter
8. When set (wait 8 hours) paint the backs with different colors of nail polish
*This will give the opals different colors
9. Set in jewelry with E-6000 glue