No Calligraphy Pen Skills? No Problem!
Learn how to create calligraphy with any pen!
Sarah Snowflake added Faux Calligraphy to Typography 27 Jul 01:53
Sarah Snowflake favorited Faux Calligraphy 27 Jul 01:53
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You Will Need
Step 3
Now, you’re going to determine where the downstrokes are and create a little space to fill in. What do I mean by downstrokes? Essentially: the parts of the letter that you drag your pen down to make. You can draw little letters in the air to determine where the downstrokes are. On “j”, for example, I would have swooped up at a 20 degree angle on the first line, then pulled my pen down {that’s a downstroke}, then pushed the pen up at a 45 degree angle, then pulled sharply down to make the trunk, then pulled my pen up at a 45 degree angle. Leave the “upstrokes” {the lines your pen had to go up to make} alone; just draw lines parallel to the downstrokes, as shown.