Make Fairy Doors to Add a Little Magic to your Home
There is a legend in the town that I live in that fairies will come if give them the proper homes. Here's a way to make fairy doors so that they can come live in your home too.
Key West Witch favorited Fairy Doors 28 Jun 18:21
Linda D. favorited Fairy Doors 16 Jul 13:56
Julie P. entered their project Fairy Doors to Way Basics 28 Jun 12:36
Nancy! favorited Fairy Doors 29 Apr 21:46
CO + K User
What's that you say? Well, that's Dandi Lion's apartment. She got tired of the country, so she rents out our wall for 3 flower-nectars and a cup of sparkle dust. Her dear mother is set to visit in the spring...(she's a bit unstable at times)