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From Winx club/Charmix to Believix wings, Or other wings, You can do almost anything
These are not exactly my Enchantix wings . It's my Key to the hall of Enchsntments at Alfia collage for Fairies.

Posted by Kin Dragon from Denton, Texas, United States • Published See Kin Dragon's 559 projects »

  • How to make a safety pin brooch. Fairy Wings Pins (Winx Club Enchantix Wings) - Step 1
    Step 1

    Draw out your wings or be inspired by Other peoples Winx club Ocs.

  • Step 2

    Get a piece of wire (Depending on how big you want your pin)
    And start making the shape of the wings. Then Repeat on the second half, and bind them Toghter with the left over wire from forming the shape of the wings and some of the 32 gauge wire, for extra support for your wire structure.

  • Step 3

    Your wings should be coming Toghter now. Now start wrapping the wire and beading, and when done wrap the left over wire around the middle.

  • Step 4

    Then accessories! Make pretty Designs, And find pretty beads you can even have some dangle off of your wings. Or find a flashy gem stone to put in the middle.

  • How to make a safety pin brooch. Fairy Wings Pins (Winx Club Enchantix Wings) - Step 5
    Step 5

    After you've accessoried to your hearts content . Find a stone or a tinstone to put in the middle of your wings.
    *safety procaution : you might wanna tape down all the wires in the middle, they can sometimes get out of control and poke you. I recommend masking tape becuse you can paint over it.

  • Step 6

    If your wings are a certain color paint around the beaded areas. I used nail polish, but feel free to experiment.

  • Step 7

    Then after attaching a safety pin to the back of your wings (Hot glue doesn't last, and if you use masking tape paint over it)
    Glue a gem or a stone in the center where you've been wrapping the wire. And your done, now all you have to do is attach it so something. That way you can be the Fairy of __________ Where ever you go. :)



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