A simple, effective, statement wall art hanging
This super effective (yet surprisingly easy-to-make) wall hanging is sure to brighten up your space! Personalise it with a quote or image that you love!
Ms Dorito added Fabric Wall Hanging to sew craft 12 Jun 18:13
witterings favorited Fabric Wall Hanging 13 May 14:30
Mia_Ferry added Fabric Wall Hanging to Room Decor 18 Jul 10:39
- Xx13.CrowsxX added Fabric Wall Hanging to Idea 08 Jun 21:19
The Crafty Gentleman published his project Fabric Wall Hanging 10 Apr 06:00
Step 1
Cut two identical pieces of the medium weight fabric, measuring 30 cm by 25 cm each.
Step 2
With a fabric marker, draw your design onto one piece of fabric, ensuring that you leave a gap all around (5 cm on the sides, 10 cm at the top and bottom). I drew freehand, but you could trace or stencil, if you aren’t too confident at drawing. Fill out all the letters with the fabric marker – make sure they’re all bold, with clean, sharp lines.
Step 4
Place the two pieces of fabric (one with the design on, the other is a backing piece) together, facing inwards, with all sides lined up. Sew the pieces together around three sides, 1-2 cm from the edge. Turn the whole thing inside out to reveal the design, then close the hole with another line of stitching. You can either use a hidden stitch (for a slightly neater look) or fold the raw edges in on themselves and stitch directly over the top – it doesn’t make much difference to the finished wall hanging.
Step 5
Next, fold one long edge of the fabric behind by 2 cm and pin in place. Repeat with the opposite side, then the top and bottom – except fold the top and bottom over by 4 cm, not 2 cm. Using a decorative embroidery thread and wide eye needle, hand stitch all around the edge to permanently hold the fold in place. On the sides, the stitch should run 1 cm from the edge; at the top and bottom, it should run 3cm from the edge (or far enough from the edge to enable the dowelling to be fed into the gap that is created). Remove the pins as you go.
Step 6
Neatly tie off the embroidery thread when you have finished and press the whole piece firmly with a hot iron. This will remove creases, sharpen the folds and make the marker design permanent.
Step 7
Cut two pieces of dowelling to approximately 2 cm longer than the width of your wall hanging, then smooth the edges with a fine sandpaper. Feed the dowelling into the top and bottom of the wall hanging, through the gaps created by folding the fabric behind itself. Use a length of twine or string to hang the wall hanging up.