Based on Fabric Hair Bow Tutorial by Rhiannon F.
I made two bows from the tutorial; the first (the sherlock holmes looking one) are from the measurements that she gave. The second bow (the alice in wonderland one) is 15 x 22 cm. I personally think the smaller one looks more petite :)
My idea to improvise would be to add a golden heart to the middle of the alice one and have a little key dangling from the heart, but unfortunately I dont have one of those nor do i know where to get them; but just giving ya ideas!
Hope you like them!
Key West Witch favorited Fabric Hair Bow Tutorial 28 Jun 16:01
reblav added Fabric Hair Bow Tutorial to to do 23 Mar 22:41
Moony Moon favorited Fabric Hair Bow Tutorial 05 Mar 23:13
You Will Need
Jennifer posted this project as a creation without steps
Here are some similar tutorials to help you make this one!