for my tea candels, lighter, oils and wax cubes!
I like to cover the top and then wrap in down and side to side and then last the back. It is beat to measure and leave a 1/4 inche around each side. start by glueing the top own and then wait for it to dry befor moving on to the next side. when you cut I always glue, let dry then cut...i like to get the extra wet with glue cuz it cuts easier and more exact. this is a nice way to keep "junk" you need close at hand...under cover! Happy crafting!
meg s. replied to a comment on her project Fabric Coverd Box 07 Feb 15:42
meg s. replied to a comment on her project Fabric Coverd Box 07 Feb 15:41
Glenda A. commented on Fabric Coverd Box 07 Feb 14:37
Cassie N. favorited Fabric Coverd Box 06 Feb 21:53
You Will Need
meg s. posted this project as a creation without steps
Here are some similar tutorials to help you make this one!

Glenda A.
Wow! Your box is so lovely. Now I need to find a box to try it on.

meg s.
Chicago, Illinois, US
98 projects
go to your local liquar store and ask...they sometimes have several! always FREE!

meg s.
Chicago, Illinois, US
98 projects
Thank you !