Funky collage
I think this is great to look at, not to everyone's taste because eyes freak them out but ho hum.. All you need is a cheap canvas and loads of old magazines. Cutting the eyes out takes longest' I did it while watching tv. Great fun :D
go-go-chi favorited Eyepie Canvas 19 Sep 13:52
Anna B. favorited Eyepie Canvas 17 Aug 23:24
Jacqulene C. favorited Eyepie Canvas 05 Aug 18:02
Lana M. favorited Eyepie Canvas 21 Jul 19:05
piefacetoldmeso entered her project Eyepie Canvas to Pogo Connect 27 May 23:52
RaspberrySourZ added Eyepie Canvas to Projects I want to try. 19 Apr 20:02
dametra.navarro favorited Eyepie Canvas 10 Apr 04:05
pink favorited Eyepie Canvas 27 Mar 04:05
clare.artz added Eyepie Canvas to CHEAP 27 Mar 01:03
Jimmy D. favorited Eyepie Canvas 08 Mar 03:48
Step 1
Cut out lots and lots of eyes from magazines. This takes a while. Try and choose the bigger eyes, else you will be there forever.
I used a craft knife because it was quicker and easier. Also it was fun freaking people out with the eyeless models in the magazine... -
Step 2
Once you have your eyes start sticking them on your canvas. I used a round one and a basic glue stick.
I found the eyes stuck better when i glued the canvas and the eye.
You could use modge podge or whatever you have. I would use wet glue sparingly just in case the eyes rip.