Ex Libris | Book Stamp DIY
Do you love books? I do!!!! I have a ton of books. My favourite type of book is the classic "who dunnit". I´m reading everywhere at anytime... And with this ton of books, all my friends, family and colleges are borrowing books. To make it easier for them to return the books to the me, I needed an Ex Libris stamp.
- Bek S. favorited Ex Libris | Book Stamp Diy 02 Aug 10:54
- ellie j. added Ex Libris | Book Stamp Diy to cool stuff i can do 29 Oct 08:08
- Asherah Arts (formerly Lee Rose) added Ex Libris | Book Stamp Diy to suess 22 Sep 00:28
- CraftsmitHerz published their project Ex Libris | Book Stamp Diy 18 May 06:00