Based on Eos Snow Globe by Kin Dragon
Pokémon edition!
First we have one of my favorite Pokémon at the top of his tree house about to make a life changing decision! And that what kind of Eeveelution he wants to pursue! He’s narrowed it down to the classics with a fire stone, water stone, and lighting stone, (Go for water tiny Eevee! Go for the Water Stone! Jk! I will love him no matter what he chooses! Lol)
Next we have the my favorite aloha form of pokemon which is the Ice fairy type Volpix! Let’s call her Elsa,
Elsa is training on top of her igloo with the ice and snow!
Man these were hard to make, but I love how they turned out! I only wish I could have gotten more details into the snowglobe and outside the globes
Kinhime Dragon published her project Eos Snow Globe 30 Apr 16:34
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