An easy to make embroidered pillow!
Lets face it, some of us aren't very good at embroidery (that's me!) D= So this is for those that are like that! Also, if you are better at it but want to try something harder, this is also a good option.
((Unfortunately, when I was making this, I wasn't on cut out and keep, so there will not be many real pictures!))
ajenne w. favorited Embroidered Pillow 14 Jul 00:53
airagirl.here favorited Embroidered Pillow 23 Nov 16:32
Step 1
Take your felt. Choose how big you want your pillow to be, and add around five or so centimetres on each side of it.
Step 3
Get your needle and thread and thread it through. Double the thread over and knot it. Put your design on top of your felt and pin it so that it stays together.
Choose a starting point and start sewing! You can do whatever stitch you want - going back over or doing it all then going back over! -
Step 4
Now, you have your design. Next, get your wool and thread it through the wool needle. Do not double it over. Knot the end, and start doing a blanket stitch - if you don't know how to do a blanket stitch, then just do a normal stitch. (If you are doing that then I would sew it inside out and also sew three sides then turn it the right way round....however you do it! :L) Or you could improvise! =P
Sew 3 sides, then stuff one side. Then sew it up!