Found Idea on Design Sponge but there were no instructions...here's my attempt.
I was flipping through Design Sponge at work when I saw this project:
It was EXACTLY what my plain old headboard needed, but there were no instructions. I decided to figure it out on my own. I went straight out to Michale’s, bought some thick fluffy organic yarn and started my project the moment I returned home. However, I didn’t have a brand new piece of fabric to work with. I was stuck with a completed fabric headboard that I had to stitch this pattern into somehow. I tried to draw my pattern with chalk but it wouldn’t show up on my fabric. I tried a sharpie but became too nervous that I’d make a permanent mistake. I wasn’t deterred. Using extra yarn and a level, I pressed on and stitched free-hand. Here are the photos of my endeavor.
Becky favorited Embroidered Headboard 18 May 09:45
ellie j. added Embroidered Headboard to cool stuff i can do 25 Feb 23:13
Kim added Embroidered Headboard to Buffy's Room 30 Jan 17:16
Kim favorited Embroidered Headboard 25 Jan 21:58
Rachel F. favorited Embroidered Headboard 28 Sep 22:18
Broken Bownes favorited Embroidered Headboard 25 Jul 00:47
Rebecca P. favorited Embroidered Headboard 21 Jun 15:32
Step 1
A few years back, I decided that I just couldn’t live without a headboard any longer. I bought some particle board, foam, brown fabric and a staple gun and threw together a simple yet sufficient headboard. Here is that finished product. (Ignore the bad lighting.)
I had the hardware store cut the particle board to my desired size, laid foam batting on it (also cut to size), stretched brown suede fabric over the whole thing and used a staple gun to secure the fabric all around the back.