Felt Elephant Made with love
i found this pattern in an old women's weekly magazine
i made mine with felt but feel free to use
this is the way i made it kinda doing it my own way and not really using the steps in the mag
ForestFolk added Ellie The Elephant to Felt stuff 26 Jan 22:44
Carla B. favorited Ellie The Elephant 01 Jul 09:57
You Will Need
Step 2
cut out 2 of the elephants , 1 tail and 2 ears if using felt like i did
Step 3
Sew on eyes(beads) and Ears to each side of elephants
sew tail together how ever you want (mine didn't really work out that well!) and stuff making sure you can sew it into the rump area!
Step 4
sew sides of elephant together using a running stich right way around! NOT inside out!
Leave a gap around the rump area for stuffing -
Step 5
Stuff with stuffing and sew close with the tail in the rump area