Irresistible! Hah Hah
My friend had an Uncle who did A LOT of electronic work. There were a bunch of electronic pieces left over that he let me have to see if I could do anything with them. I am sooo not an electronics person, but I am a jewelry person, so I decided to make some awesome dangle earrings. They're my favorite as of right now.
PS. My pictures keep uploading sideways...??? I will ad better pictures later.
- Josaurus20 favorited Electronic Resistor Earrings 23 Jun 18:14
You Will Need
Risa.Hanae (JapZilla) posted this project as a creation without steps
Here are some similar tutorials to help you make this one!

Joinville, Santa Catarina, BR
12 projects
great idea

Risa.Hanae (JapZilla)
Mt Pleasant, South Carolina, US
180 projects
Thanks =^_^=