For when you want to jazz up your ramen snacking.
My friend told me this recipe a while back, though it may have changed a bit. This is always a staple when I only have ramen available but want something a little heavier. In addition, you could probably add chicken bits or vegetables, but here is the basic recipe. ^^
alp.zoey added Egg N Ramen to casseroles 07 Aug 13:10
alp.zoey added Egg N Ramen to Stir fry n noodles 07 Aug 13:10
grace.green.798 favorited Egg N Ramen 25 Nov 07:32
Anny G. favorited Egg N Ramen 12 Nov 07:09
liz d. favorited Egg N Ramen 28 Oct 00:13
You Will Need
Step 7
This is the part where you break the egg! Normally, I use 1 egg to every two packages of ramen cooked, but I had more water than usual so I used 2 just this once. Mix the egg(s) into the hot noodles, mixing really well before they start to become fully cooked. Keep stirring until the egg is completely cooked and longer that yucky slimy consistency.