A cute nice scented perfume
Amber C. favorited Easy To Make Perfume 02 Oct 21:46
Amr M. favorited Easy To Make Perfume 05 Nov 23:28
autumn rose l. favorited Easy To Make Perfume 13 Aug 22:11
Music~Junky favorited Easy To Make Perfume 20 May 03:04
Step 1
First get a clean bottle, or empty perfume bottle with a lid.
Step 2
Next fill your container almost to the top with water.
Step 3
Now get your rose and vanilla essential oils and put about three drops of each in the container.
Step 4
Put the lid on your container shake it up a bit, and now you have really simple perfume.
I mean, as long as they smell good, cuz Im not really a fan of rose.