It looks like you just reached your hand into Yugioh and pulled him out!
My friend LOVES Duke Devlin so I made this for her birthday :)
It is sewn entirely by hand, (Because the stinking sewing machine wasn't working...)which took a really long time.
I used a tutorial online to make the basic body (Link is posted) then I created the cloths using the body pattern pieces but slightly larger. The armbands are made out of wire, the earring and necklace are made out of clay. The necklace being the most difficult since I couldn't remember what it looked like and it took forever to find a good picture of it.
The hair was definitely the most fun, I just cut out the pieces according to a couple pictures on Google and stitched them on.
My friends reaction was priceless. The poked fingers were totally worth it.
PuddyTat commented on Duke Devlin Plushie 27 Jan 20:13
CraftingFairy posted this project as a creation without steps
Here are some similar tutorials to help you make this one!