Soldiers in gear ready for the fight!
I draw these kinda things all the time. This is my contribution to the Manga competition.
In the front is the leader of the army behind him. I was gonna do rows and rows of soldiers but decided against as it would take absolutely hours. The armour and weapons are my own design but it's based on medieval fiction.
Hope you like it.
Conner W. added Drawing Of The Manga Warriors to helping stuff 10 Jul 23:53
Conner W. favorited Drawing Of The Manga Warriors 10 Jul 23:53
You Will Need
Step 1
Start with a blank page and a pencil. I drew my main knight first because nothing is in front of him. The armour doesn't protect all of his body, and you might want to add bandages.
Step 2
The foot soldiers are all more armoured but still not too hard, otherwise it would be hard to repeat. Their capes change in shade because of the lighting.
Step 3
Next, I put some extra big brutes at the back for muscle. Make these what you want - it's up to you.
Step 4
Last add in some colour and a backdrop. I used red and yellow, but you use whatever colours you want to.