Saturate Your Die-cuts with Color and Watch the Beauty Unfold!
When you saturate your die-cuts with color, the pigments move and concentrate in different areas of the die-cut, sometimes accentuating edge, sometimes pooling in the center. The lovely thing about this technique is that other than heavily wetting your surface, in order to achieve stunning results, all you have to do is sit back and wait for your pigments to dry.
Alissa B. favorited Dousing Your Die Cuts 19 Apr 16:58
Mistress Nora of Madness favorited Dousing Your Die Cuts 16 Apr 22:18
Kinhime Dragon favorited Dousing Your Die Cuts 16 Apr 19:08
Vivian K. published her project Dousing Your Die Cuts 16 Apr 06:00
You Will Need
Step 1
Watch the video tutorial