doodle on the wall
I am just tired of seeing those tinted beige paints on my wall and thinking of ways through which I can décor my wall other than going with paint. So I go ahead with this DIY which I find perfect and hence sharing,
And took out almost 26 print out of my doodle image I selected,since I have printer with me so for me it’s no cost DIY but if you don’t own it, it may cost you around Rs 10 from outsource in Pakistan which mean Rs 260 for small wall and if you buy a wall paper so minimum cost is 2000 so taking out the print out is reasonable idea.
This wallpaper paste can keep in refrigerator for 30 days if you think it is getting thicker add little warm water to it and stir.
Make sure that when you stick one paper over another they match the doodle image and cover
Maria H. favorited Doodle Wall Decor 30 Mar 10:59
dippydiscoball added Doodle Wall Decor to maybe one day 22 Jul 06:14
JadeSucksAtLife favorited Doodle Wall Decor 01 Mar 13:34
anny18 a. published their project Doodle Wall Decor 28 Feb 10:37
You Will Need
Step 2
On the other side in kitchen, mix two tablespoon of corn flour easily available, with small quantity of water and make its paste and add it to 2 cup boiling water, while you adding the paste lower the flame otherwise you may see limbs. You will see a white little thick paste close the flame and let the mixture cool on room temperature.
Step 3
Using the paint brush apply the cool paste on the paper with evenly spread on every corner of the page don’t use thick quantity use just using liquid glue.
Step 4
And step by step apply it to your wall those pages. Make sure that air bubbles don’t enter the page making it untidy. It almost takes 1 hour 45 mints and I did all on my own.