Natural Makeup Remover
As we know most of our makeup products are packed with tons of chemicals and nasty ingredients. We take so much care as to the things we put into our body in terms of intake and diet then, Hello!! Putting so many chemicals on your face should too should raise huge Red Flags! Think about it! The products we put on our skin contain such harsh ingredients that can actually cause skin irritation. So why not give your skin a rest especially when you’ll be sleeping at night! Also the best part of this DIY natural makeup remover is that the two basic ingredients required are the King and Queen ingredients found in every kitchen.
Sky added DIY Natural Makeup Remover to Selfcare 19 Apr 01:49
You Will Need
Step 1
# Three Simple Steps
1 . Fill your container with 3/4 of warm water and the other 1/4 with extra virgin olive oil or coconut oil as per your convenience.
2 . Shake! Shake!
Make sure the ingredients have combined well.3. Take your makeup wipes or a cotton ball and soak it with this mixture and start wiping away that makeup! Start off with your eyes and head to your face and you’re done! Do not forget to rinse your face thoroughly after this. Just 3 simple steps to enjoy a makeup free face.