Why buy the shirt when you could make it?
I painted this shirt as a gift for an iron man-loving friend. I just traced a basic design from my computer screen, cut it into a stencil, and used the stencil to paint the shirt. There's no special LED attached to make it glow, but I did add glow-in-the-dark paint over the white part. I'm quite happy with how it turned out, though I did have to use some black paint to cover up mistakes. :D
PineconePrincess favorited Diy Iron Man Shirt 03 May 22:58
Sarah W. favorited Diy Iron Man Shirt 19 Mar 15:54
Niki W. favorited Diy Iron Man Shirt 01 Mar 17:18
Laura T. favorited Diy Iron Man Shirt 21 Jul 05:14
G W. favorited Diy Iron Man Shirt 20 May 02:49
kimber.d.jessop favorited Diy Iron Man Shirt 10 May 05:36
jeniffer c. favorited Diy Iron Man Shirt 30 Apr 14:56
Angie H. favorited Diy Iron Man Shirt 06 Apr 00:53
Justine :] favorited Diy Iron Man Shirt 04 Apr 15:27
Devious_Insightful_Pixie favorited Diy Iron Man Shirt 01 Apr 21:01
Conn posted this project as a creation without steps
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