South Asian Puppet!
Puppets are cute, funny, and they're all around the world! it's really interesting to see that almost every culture has the concept of puppetry, though they vary widely. When I saw the puppet contest I decided to make traditional south Asian (Indian sub-continent) puppets.
Shannan G. added Diy Fun Puppet Craft to Frida Kahlo Inspired Room 10 Jun 12:23
Kimya J. favorited Diy Fun Puppet Craft 25 May 23:43
Tierra T. favorited Diy Fun Puppet Craft 10 Nov 17:51
Muhaiminah Faiz replied to a comment on her project Diy Fun Puppet Craft 15 Dec 03:27
Mark Montano commented on Diy Fun Puppet Craft 14 Dec 19:51
Mark Montano favorited Diy Fun Puppet Craft 14 Dec 19:51
Alissa B. favorited Diy Fun Puppet Craft 02 Dec 22:15
Muhaiminah Faiz published her project Diy Fun Puppet Craft 02 Dec 13:14
Step 1
Draw the body parts of the puppets on paper. The legs of these puppets are usually straight but the hands are angled at 90o -120o and the body shapes are usual. Height of the puppets should be around 8-10 inches (adult puppet) and less than 6 inches for the child puppet. Make a template for the body parts and cut them out. Use them to make the fabric cutouts.
Step 11
Tie a string on the puppets head (for keeping the body in balance) and two strings on both hands (hand movement is important).
Use one hand to control the string attached to the head and other hand to control the hands. If you're an expert I think you can control all the strings with one hand!. You can use wire instead of strings as well. Enjoy!