
Hannah · Dronfield, England, GB · 1 project
I've made these for years! I've got 2 fashion folders (great for recycling your old school ringbinders), one notebook with all the interviews from my favourite band and one notebook with other band interviews and gig posters in it. I'm a big lover of magazines and hate throwing them away, it's great to do when you're bored and to get rid of some clutter!
Jen G.
Jen G. · Concord, North Carolina, US · 6 projects
This is a great way to organize and save space!
Emma Jayne
Emma Jayne · 1 project
This is a great idea! I've just started doing this myself..I'm hoping to carry out a Beauty Therapy NVQ in September & am really interested in make up, design and fashion make up and photography.. I use my scrapbook like a big journal of inspiration and stick in colours/wallpaper samples/bits of fabric/buttons/my own photos/things I find etcc... Happy
DarkAshHurts · 119 projects
XD I also make my own.
I cut out things i want & like in fashion magazines & glue them to paper & put them into a 3-ring binder. And i put them into categories like Jewelry/Accessories, Fashion/Clothes, Hair & Makeup...with page-dividers w/ tabs.

Then i just oogle through it when i get bored, cuz i cant afford any of it. lol
It helps me come up w/ ideas to diy stuff too.
Ma V.
Ma V.
what a great idea!!! i never thought of it.
im always looking for something to keep myself busy
and this will really keep me busy!!!

love the idea!!

Leah S
Leah S · 11 projects
coolies.....i would love a book but I use the cool pics and put them on my walls ^W^
Janet · 2 projects
This is totally awesome.
When you're uninspired you can just flip through it and become inspired
Brittknee · U.S. Air Force Academy, Colorado, US · 3 projects
I love doing this. I have an old composistion journal that I use.
Queen.Of.Dorks · United Kingdom, GB
awesome idea!
im going to make one of these def.
elle t.
elle t.
what a great idea!

sometimes when i feel the need for retail therapy or update my look i suddenly feel helpless in the mall. this project will make things easier!
Tiffany S.
Tiffany S. · North Carolina, North Carolina, US · 1 project
Awesome! :]
LaKore · Vinton, Virginia, US · 1 project
I have done this one before but I used a binder and it turned out fine.
Caroline · Tamworth, England, GB · 7 projects
This is such a fantastic idea! It's alot better than having tons of magazines around your room too.
Awesome! I love that someone else does this! (My fam thinks I'm insane for doing so.) In addition to fashion, I also organize magazine articles, recipes, and other things in this manner. One of my favorites things is cutting out pictures of flowers that I want to plant in my garden. Another I love is to cut out pictures of things I want, whether it be things I want in life, things I want to purchase, goals, etc. I also cut out pictures for reference for my artwork. I've also used cut outs to create artwork. I'll have to post some of the stuff I've done. Thanks for sharing your project!
Patricia A.
Patricia A.
This is great. It is also a wonderful way to manifest things that you want in your life. Even emotions or relationships. The images go deep into the psyche and work the magic. I think it changes how we view opportunities. We notice things we may not of if we had not made our wishes concrete.
Drummbellina · 2 projects
Cool! I do the same for stuff I reckon I could make but a fashion one would do me good actually!
northernstar · Flateyri, Westfjords, IS · 35 projects
I love these Happy I used to make posters for myself like that from a4 paper and put it on my walls round my desk