Beautiful, Simple and Easy
This kit was given to me free via CutOutAndKeep and MakersKit to test, review and make this tutorial. Who doesn't love getting free crafting supplies, let alone DIY Kits?! Of course I was going to say yes! This kit is a DIY Dream Catcher Kit. It is beautiful, simple and pretty easy to make. If you don't want to purchase the kit, you only need a few items from your local craft store to get started and make your own beautiful dream catcher to get rid of those unwanted nightmares or just to hang on a wall as a beautiful piece of wall art.
The link for the this kit is listed below (It is a set so it comes with a DIY Vial Terrarium Necklace Kit, and yes there will be a tutorial for that as well):
SassyGinger_24 published his project Diy Dream Catcher Via Makers Kit 08 Jun 20:57
Step 6
Keep doing that until you get all the way around the hoop and you are back to the knot. From there you repeat steps 4 and 5 but this time instead on the hoop you do it in the middle of each section of twine as shown. Just make sure you keep your tension tight. If you wish to add beads all you do is string them on and keep going as normal and when you get back around to the section of twine the bead is on push it to one side and keep going.
Step 10
Then cut 3 more pieces of cord and tie the feathers on to each end and string any beads on you wish and secure them to the bottom of the hoop. Some people may chose to have other colored leather cord and add leather braids that hang off as well. Once you are done it is ready to hang up either above your bed or on a wall as a accent piece.