This designer inspired necklace perfectly combines edgy with glam.
This number has been a DIY idea cooking on the back burner for a long time. It's inspired by Fallon's classic biker choker, but you can find similar knock-off versions for sale online too. On a bit of an Etsy shopping spree I finally bought the jewels to make it myself. The rhinestones set me back around $25, but that's a bargain compared to the $325 for the Fallon version.
Crystal W. favorited Diy Crystal Spike Necklace 04 May 02:19
Jennifer J. added Diy Crystal Spike Necklace to What I want to make 11 Dec 10:21
Adrienne S. favorited Diy Crystal Spike Necklace 22 Sep 02:27
deasphodel added Diy Crystal Spike Necklace to so-so 18 Feb 00:41
Sarah B. added Diy Crystal Spike Necklace to Jewellery 08 Dec 02:56
Megan M. added Diy Crystal Spike Necklace to Necklaces 02 Dec 00:05
Sade' P. favorited Diy Crystal Spike Necklace 17 Oct 00:12
zoegirl221 favorited Diy Crystal Spike Necklace 21 Sep 23:20
La-Quanna J. favorited Diy Crystal Spike Necklace 15 Sep 19:36
kathleen z. added Diy Crystal Spike Necklace to necklaces 07 Sep 20:23
You Will Need
Step 8
Once everything has dried, it's time to attach to the chain. The steps above show another pendant, but it's a good idea to start with the center focal point and work your wait outward to make sure everything is centered and symmetric. 1) Grip the head pin with pliers and fold the wire over at a 90 degree angle. 2) Clip the wire, leaving about 1 cm. 3) Grip the pin wire with the needle nose pliers at the angle, and 4) use the flat-nose pliers to wrap the wire over the round needle nose pliers, creating a hook. You can see this in action in this video. Don't close the loop just yet.