Based on Diy Body Armour by Catfish
here's my version. didn't take too long, and since hobby-lobby was having a sale on all of their jewelry/jewelry making supplies, i got everything for cheap :)
i used 'the jewelry shoppe colors' brand chains (i just got black but they have red/orange/yellow/green/blue really vibrant that i might pick up at a later date)
60 inch small chain and 30 inch large chain was marked 3.99, but got it at 66% off.
I also picked up a 10 piece jewelry kit that had small pliers/wire cutters/ etc in them for 14.99 retail @ 66% off.
thanks for the how to catfish.
Mz.Green Eyed Beauty favorited Diy Body Armour 13 Apr 10:41
daisy.armijo added Diy Body Armour to New Ideas 15 Jul 04:11
sabra m. favorited Diy Body Armour 20 Aug 13:54
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