Easy to make in-house bacon for the pork enthusiast in your life!
Yes, you read that title right. Today we made our own bacon. I saw “we” because I’m a practicing pescatarian and Alex is a devout omnivore, so really he’s the only one getting any use out of it. He just thought that the idea was so cool and jumped at the opportunity to overthrown his swine hogging mega-mart overlords. I might have made up that last bit, but whenever I taught him to make bread he did threaten to go up to the bakery counter and tell them that he had thrown off their shackles of pastry subjugation. I just inferred from there.
TheYearlingBlog published her project Diy Bacon 27 Jun 10:58
Step 3
Then place your pork belly into the bag with your cure mixture and allow to sit in the fridge for seven days.
So from what I can tell of this project it seems to have been very easy. The most intensive part will be watching Alex wait days for this to cure in the fridge so he can slice it and eat it. Once you’re ready to cook it though be sure to store it in the freezer for a bit so that it gets hard enough for you to slice. From what everyone has said about making their own bacon it’s the slicing it that’s trying, so make sure you’ve got a good solid block there before you go shredding it up. Removing the skin was also difficult, but you can have your butcher do that for you or just use an extremely sharp knife.
For more info: https://theyearlingblog.wordpress.com/2015/06/09/day-160-diy-bacon/