Victory cake
It is is a surprise cake with a twist in a filling where you can find homemade marzipan balls with cherries. Beside that it just right sweet dessert with nicely balanced ingredients. Look especially for the crust because it is super healthy and tasteful!
Aleksandar Pavlovic published their project Divine Dessert 06 Mar 09:00
Step 1
Grind 300 g of oatmeal and 150 g of roasted hazelnuts in a chopper. Transfer to a bowl and add 2 tablespoons of cocoa and a tablespoon of honey. Separately, in a chop, grind 200 g of prunes and 150 g of fresh peeled cherries. Combine the masses and shape the crust.
Step 2
Homemade marzipan:
Grind 250 g of blanched almonds and 250 g of powdered sugar together in a chopper. Transfer the obtained powder to a bowl. Separate 2 egg whites and whisk them lightly. Gradually add egg whites to the powder while stirring, and then pour that mass over 100 g of starch and knead the marzipan until you get a dry and medium firm dough.
Marzipan balls:Tear off smaller balls - stretch each one and add a little Nutella and 1 cherry. Shape into balls and pour dark chocolate over them.
Step 3
Any cheesecake filling will do.
Step 4
Mix 120 ml of fresh cherry juice with 200 g of sugar and a full spoon of honey. Bring to a boil. Reduce the heat and add 120 ml of condensed milk to the juice. In parallel, prepare 6 teaspoons of gelatin with 15 teaspoons of water. Then add melted gelatin to hot mass. Pour that over 200 g of white chocolate and mix. The main part * you have to have a kitchen thermometer and wait for the glaze to lower to 35°C (stir from time to time so crust won't form).
Step 5
Arrange the balls over the crust, then pour the cheesecake mixture. Leave for 3 hours in the freezer to cool. Take the cheesecake out of the mold and pour the icing from the center to the outside. Leave to cool, and cut off the excess glaze over the edges.