Use your scraps to make dimensional fabric bracelets!
Save your favorite fabric scraps to make these dimensional fabric bracelets!
Key West Witch favorited Dimensional Fabric Bracelets 31 May 15:13
Alex Z. added Dimensional Fabric Bracelets to Интересное 12 May 18:50
Kimya J. favorited Dimensional Fabric Bracelets 28 May 03:14
Leia B. favorited Dimensional Fabric Bracelets 20 Mar 22:21
Leia B. added Dimensional Fabric Bracelets to Awesome DIY 25 Jan 21:20
Lorrie B. added Dimensional Fabric Bracelets to jewelery 18 Oct 18:34
Sunnie favorited Dimensional Fabric Bracelets 01 Mar 11:05
Mark Montano published his project Dimensional Fabric Bracelets 28 Jan 18:14
Step 3
Watch the short video tutorial here:
Step 4
Paint the wood bangles with Americana Multi Surface Satin
*Paint the edge and inside in different colors for some oomph!
Add Minwax Polycrylic to the outside of the cuff and adhere the fabric
Add more Minwax to protect
When the Polycrylic is dry, embellish with Allure Dimensional Design Adhesive Paint and let dry