A cute way to countdown the days until your soul is complete again.
<3 Deployment Rings <3
As a military wife who has went through one deployment with my husband, and am currently going through another. I know just how much you need to have fun countdown ways to pass the time. There are numerous things that people do with paper rings like this, so I decided to make a different type of countdown ring that will help keep a military wife or husband, fiance or bf/gf positive as well as not overwhelmed by having hundreds of rings as a lot of sites suggest making a ring for for every day. That is a LOT of days and a LOT of rings and very depressing to see.
So my project is called, "deployment rings" and you will make one for every week that your significant other will be gone. On each ring, you write a positive note to read. This is a great project and fun to make and I hope that it helps anyone who needs it, because I know how hard it is.
Lee B. favorited Deployment Rings 18 Aug 04:22
You Will Need
Step 2
Cut your paper into strips, make enough strips to have one for each week. Write a little note on each strip, put things like, "ONE WEEK DOWN!" or You go girl!" anything inspirational to you. You can also put things like, "think of his smile." things to boost your mood when you get to tear that ring off.
Step 4
After you are finished you can hang them wherever you want, and I chose to hang mine over my headboard. Pick what day you want to tear of your ring, like Sunday Night or Mon. Morning and watch your weeks of rings turn into smaller and smaller amounts. It really helps to do things like this. I really hope that it helps someone else who needs it.
Thank you for reading!