An "ombre-esque" denim Christmas tree.
nina.eriksen.90834 added Denim Christmas Tree to Christmas 20 Jun 13:37
You Will Need
Step 2
I made a pattern by wrapping a piece of paper around the Styrofoam cone I was using for the base. I then divided up the pattern into five sections.
Step 3
I then cut out each piece from the denim with a half inch extra around all sides. This is to allow for the top edge to be folded over and the bottom to be under the next layer.
Step 4
Then I simply pinned each piece of denim in place starting from the top working my way down. The top piece went on with no folding over, but starting with the second one I chose to fold the top edge over to the underside. Totally your call. (You could even fringe the edges for a more fluffy look)
Step 5
Hot glue could be used as well.
Step 6
I haven't decided how I am going to decorate this tree. I did test drive dangle earrings with french earring wires and they hooked nicely over the top folds.
Step 7
I was also thinking of pinning beads and sequins on to. Hmmmm
Step 8
Got any other wacky ideas crafty-peeps? Leave me a comment, I would love to hear about them!
Love this project!!!
I'm doing a christmas tutorial round-up, and I put this on my blog with a link so people can check it out. Hope you don't mind!