Magazine decoupaged guitar
So, I got the guitar from my dad, who owns tons of them. This one had a whole on the back and had some other problems with it, so he was going to throw it away.
This took me forever! First you have to go through a LOT of magazines [luckily, I'm a magazing addict], find what you want to cut out, cut it out, and decopauge it to the guitar using mod podge.
- vermilia c. favorited Decopauged Guitar 21 Apr 14:25
- Melissa N. favorited Decopauged Guitar 31 Aug 00:14
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Casey posted this project as a creation without steps
Here are some similar tutorials to help you make this one!
16 projects
Hmm, I should probably revamp my old broken guit like that instead of letting it rot. =) Nice idea.
Sherlaine Y.
whoa, this is so awesome!!!
Dunakeszi, Pest County, HU
42 projects
When you are done with it, will you give it to a busker plz? =D
California, Maryland, US
1 project
That looks like a LOT of hard work. Great job!
Cat Morley
London, GB
1432 projects
It looks fab, great job!
Aberystwyth, Wales, GB
29 projects
That is so cute. *high five*
Magical Pony Farm
Milwaukee, Wisconsin, US
8 projects
Soooo cute!