Make your own Deathly Hallows necklace!
I'm a massive Harry Potter fan and thought I'd give this a try. I really wanted it to not look shoddy and homemade and I'm fairly happy with it!
You could use any type of beads i just liked the 'sleak-ness' of these ones! I also used wire that came on a spool which made making the 'resurrection stone' part a lot easier because the wire was already in a circle but i don't think it would be too much more difficult with straight wire.
Step 3
Twist the wire ends together securely. When you're twisting the ends together, dont do it too tightly... By this i mean make sure that when secured the beads can slide just a little on the wire. This is so there is room to wrap wire onto this shape later. Bend the wire twice, at 3cm intervals, to make a triangle.
Step 4
Cut 9cm of wire and bend one end (so the beads wont fall off!) Thread beads until they are about 5cm long. Twist the wire ends together securely, but again not too tight! Cut the ends of the wire and bend them so that they wont scratch you when you're wearing it!
Step 6
(this is the tricky bit to explain!I hope you can make sense of it!!)
Cut another 9cm of wire secure one end at the top of the triangle.
Put the circle inside the triangle and lay the straight piece of wire over the top (like in the picture).
With a texta, make a mark on the straight wire where it meets the top of the circle. Thread beads up to this mark. Wrap the wire a few times around the top of the circle. Make another mark on the straight wire where it meets the bottom of the circle. Thread beads to this point. Make one more mark on the straight wire where it meets the base of the triangle. Thread beads to this mark. Secure the wire to the base of the triangle.