Sometimes you've just gotta listen to the Merc with the Mouth
This is a nice easy paper bow tutorial that I added some geeky flair to. It's really quick too, I spent more time cutting out with my ridiculously oversized scissors than anything else! I hope you enjoy!
Oh and the template is the second download here. I couldn't figure out how to remove the first one.. oops.
- 113665_2F2016-03-11-221338-dead12.jpg 18.9 KB [ Download ]
- 113665_2F2016-03-11-221625-bow+template.jpeg 32 KB [ Download ]
Kaitlynn L. favorited Deadpool Paper Hair Bow 01 Sep 16:44
You Will Need
Step 4
You can't see too well here, but cut out two circles, I used a jam/jelly sample jar for the large circle, and a bottle of nail polish for the smaller circle. This is to make the Deadpool symbol.
Fold the small black circle in half, cut along the centre and glue onto the red circle. Set aside for now.