Easy D.I.Y boho style tassel earrings
This is a very easy and fast to do project for making yourself a pair of fancy bohemian style inspired dangling tassel earrings.
I can do it in about 10 to 20 minutes but your mileage may vary if you've not done this before.
Total cost for me was about 6$, but it depends of course where you get your materials. I used sterling silver so that's of course more pricy than using silver plated.
Materials needed:
- 1 set of tassels
- 4-6 eye pins / head pins, alternatively, you can use silver wire. Make
sure the pins/wire fit your beads.
- 2 white carved resin beads
- 2 bigger colored agate beads
- 2 smaller rose quartz beads
- 1 pair of fancy post earrings
- 2 bigger bead caps
- 2 smaller bead caps
- spacing beads
Libby W. favorited Dangling Tassel Earrings 25 May 10:22
JadeSucksAtLife favorited Dangling Tassel Earrings 01 Mar 09:07
Alex B. published her project Dangling Tassel Earrings 12 Aug 09:00