A heart felt gesture for my wonderful boyfriend...cheap and easy to make :)
I made this cute little heart to send to my boyfriend, on the back it had a little pouch where i made paper hearts and wrote romantic messages on and placed them in there.
Really cheap and surprisingly easy to make :)
Sorry for lack of pictures
Key West Witch added Cute Handmade Heart to Crafts General 21 Mar 00:41
Inger Marie K. favorited Cute Handmade Heart 18 Mar 03:36
Hannah F. favorited Cute Handmade Heart 21 Aug 02:05
You Will Need
Step 1
Get 2 pieces of cerise pink felt. Draw out a heart shape onto the inside of one of the pieces of felt, you can make this as big or as small as you wish.
Step 2
Cut it out and get the the second piece of felt and pin them together so you can cut around and have 2 hearts.
Step 3
Using a different shade of pink felt, cut out a smaller heart that will fit onto the front of one of the bigger hearts
Step 4
Take one of the bigger hearts and stitch the smaller heart onto it.
also stitch the word 'love' onto the front. -
Step 5
Then cut out a small triangle type shape that will be sewn onto the back of the heart for a pouch.
Step 6
Pin all the pieces together on the bottom half and use stuffing to pad out the heart.
Step 7
Pin the rest of the heart and stitch around. and you're done!
You could also stitch in a piece of ribbon before you sew up the heart so you can hang it up if you want :)Then after all that write out your little love note and pop it inside!