Pretty earrings made from a pair of buttons
'Cute as a Button' Earrings tutorial, using size 11 Delica beads, seed beads, buttons, crystals and drop beads.
Rebecca M. favorited Cute As A Button Earrings 13 Jun 20:50
Step 4
Continue around the button in beaded backstitch until you have a row of beads all the way around the edge. Run the needle through all the beads again to straighten and tighten them. Work the needle through to the back of the fabric and tie a knot to hold it securely then work through to the front of the fabric once more, right at the side of the row of beads. Trim the fabric around the edge of the beads, taking care not to cut the thread.
Step 13
Pick up 8C, 1A, 1C, 1A, 1D, 1A, 2B, 1E and 1B. Skip the 1E and the first of the 2B and go back through the other B, 1A, 1D, 1A, 1C, 1A and 8C and back through the edge C you exited from. Make sure you don’t pull the thread too tight at this stage as your fringe will not be able to swing freely.
Step 14
Repeat step 13 starting with 7C.
Step 15
Repeat step 13 starting with 6C.
Step 16
Repeat step 13 starting with 5C.
Step 17
Repeat step 13 starting with 6C.
Step 18
Repeat step 13 starting with 7C.