Like Cake? Like sprinkles? Like frosting? This cupcake costume is for you!!
I really like cupcakes, and I saw all kinds of cupcake costumes on Allthingscupcake.com and It inspired me to make one of my own. Cupcake fanatic <3
evangelina c. favorited Cupcake Costume For Halloween! Warning: This Item Is Extremely Cute. 13 Oct 22:18
Andrea H. favorited Cupcake Costume For Halloween! Warning: This Item Is Extremely Cute. 14 Oct 22:59
You Will Need
Step 2
Now its time to do the cupcake paper, first measure your basket, and see how much fabric you will need to cover it completely. Once measured, cut out fabric and see if it matches up to the basket height and length. If so, its perfect! Take out piece of foam, and then take adhesive spray and spray it on the foam, then put on the fabric.
Step 6
Frosting time!! For the bottom layer of frosting, cut fabric 15 inches wide and 6 inches longer than the circumference of the cupcake base. This is the "cake" part of the cupcake. Then Cut two more 14-inch-wide strips, one 10 inches shorter and the other 20 inches shorter than the first strip. Then Sew them on your sewing machine. Besure to leave an opening to stuff with fiberfill. Beside is a picture of one strip sewn together.
Step 11
Here's a white hat, with a knit strawberry on top I had worn with the costume, the white part is supposed to to be the frosting. Heres directions on how to make the strawberry: http://www.flickr.com/photos/pezdiva/133734949/
After that attach strawberry to hat! Your costume is complete! Comment if you have any questions.
Step 12
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