Based on Cupcake! by Roma
nom nom nom nom :)
*as she falls to the floor and dies from chocolate overload*
You Will Need
Grace D posted this project as a creation without steps
Here are some similar tutorials to help you make this one!

Cat Queen
5 projects
nom nom nom!!!! ( ^ u ^ )

11 projects

Eve H.
U.S. Air Force Academy, Colorado, US
I saw Elvis. Does that mean that I am one fry short of a Happy Meal? I am going to try this in my big soup mug and fill it only two thirds. I hate cleaning up a dirty micro.

U.S. Air Force Academy, Colorado, US
11 projects
omg. thats looks so freakin' delicious!

Grace D
London, GB
83 projects
Yes, its my posh Kath Kidson one

19 projects
Ehehe, nice mug!